Rest API Schemas

A rest schema defines what the xeebo rest api server provides
Application Application data definition
Documentation (html) Schemas (json)
application/message Application message schema
Documentation (html) Schemas (json)
application/reject Application reject schema
Documentation (html) Schemas (json)
A rest schema defines what the xeebo rest api server provides
Candidates Candidate data definition
Documentation (html) Schemas (json)
/candidates/search Candidate search schema
Documentation (html) Schemas (json)
/candidates/<id>/get Candidate get schema
Documentation (html) Schemas (json)
A rest schema defines what the xeebo rest api server provides
Dossiers Dossier data definition
Documentation (html) Schemas (json)
/dossiers/search Dossier search schema
Documentation (html) Schemas (json)
/dossiers/<id>/get Dossier get schema
Documentation (html) Schemas (json)
A rest schema defines what the xeebo rest api server provides
Profile Profile data definition
Documentation (html) Schemas (json)
/profiles/<id>/get Profile get schema
Documentation (html) Schemas (json)
A rest schema defines what the xeebo rest api server provides
Publication Publication data definition
Documentation (html) Schemas (json)
/publications/<jobName>/<pubName>/publish Publications publish schema
Documentation (html) Schemas (json)
/publications/<jobName>/<pubName>/get Publication get schema
Documentation (html) Schemas (json)
/publications/<jobName>/<pubName>/abort Publication abort schema
Documentation (html) Schemas (json)