- Overview
Rest API Schemas
- Application schema
- Application message request
- Application message response
- Application reject request
- Application reject response
- Candidate schema
- Candidate get response
- Candidate search request
- Candidate search response
- Dossier schema
- Dossier get response
- Dossier search request
- Dossier search response
- Profile schema
- Profile get response
- Publication schema
- Publication publish request
- Publication publish response
- Publication get response
- Publication abort response
Integration API Schemas
- Application schema
- Application apply request
- Application apply response
- Application message request
- Application message response
- Application retract request
- Application retract response
- Application update request
- Application update response
- Publication schema
- Publication fetch response
- Publication fetched response
- Resource Schemas
- Error Schemas
Application update request
Application update request schema
JSON schema
{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema", "id": "http://api.xeebo.com/schema/xeebo-integration-application-update-request-schema-v1.0.0.json", "title": "Application update request", "description": "Application update request schema", "type": "object", "definitions": { "versionType": { "title": "Schema Version", "description": "Schema version string", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9]\\.[0-9]\\.[0-9]$" }, "secretType": { "title": "Secret", "description": "An identification secret", "type": "string" }, "idType": { "title": "Identifier", "description": "Company, job, publication or application identifier", "type": "string" }, "commentType": { "title": "Optional Comment", "description": "Comment written by applicant, optional for Recruiter", "type": "string" }, "localeType": { "title": "Locale", "description": "Two digit iso alpha-2 language locale as lowercase", "pattern": "^[a-z]{2}$" }, "dateType": { "title": "ISO Datetime", "description": "ISO datetime string", "type": "string" } }, "properties": { "version": { "title": "Application schema version", "$ref": "#/definitions/versionType" }, "secret": { "title": "A secret string", "$ref": "#/definitions/secretType" }, "comName": { "title": "Company identifier", "description": "The xeebo company identifier. Same as used in your company profile page url.", "$ref": "#/definitions/idType" }, "jobName": { "title": "Job identifier", "description": "A unique job identifier given from your system", "$ref": "#/definitions/idType" }, "pubName": { "title": "Publication identifier", "description": "A unique publication identifier given from your system", "$ref": "#/definitions/idType" }, "appName": { "title": "Application identifier", "description": "A unique application identifier given from our system", "$ref": "#/definitions/idType" }, "application": { "title": "Application information", "description": "Contains all the application information", "$ref": "http://api.xeebo.com/schema/xeebo-integration-application-schema-v1.0.0.json#/definitions/applicationType" }, "applicant": { "title": "Applicant", "description": "The applicant address and contact information applying to the related job", "$ref": "http://api.xeebo.com/schema/xeebo-integration-application-schema-v1.0.0.json#/definitions/applicantType" }, "employer": { "title": "Employer company", "description": "Employer address and contact information", "$ref": "http://api.xeebo.com/schema/xeebo-integration-application-schema-v1.0.0.json#/definitions/companyType" }, "recruiter": { "title": "Recruiter company", "description": "Recruiter address and contact information if available", "$ref": "http://api.xeebo.com/schema/xeebo-integration-application-schema-v1.0.0.json#/definitions/companyType" }, "comment": { "title": "Application comment", "$ref": "#/definitions/commentType" }, "locale": { "title": "Application locale", "$ref": "#/definitions/localeType" }, "created": { "title": "Application Date", "description": "Date where the applicant generated the application", "$ref": "#/definitions/dateType" } }, "required": [ "version", "comName", "jobName", "pubName", "appName", "application", "applicant", "employer", "locale", "created" ], "additionalProperties": false }
JSON schema data description
Path/Attribute | Title | Description | Required |