• Overview

    This page explains the concept of xeebo and the different ways external systems can interact with xeebo.

  • Rest API

    This page describes the xeebo Rest API. The REST API provides the methods used by external systems whcih can interact with the xeebo portal.

  • Integration API

    This page describes the integration API. These API methods must be implemented by your system and the xeebo system will interact with your system via these methods. E-Recruiting system providers and companies can integrate different parts of xeebo into their applications. Applications can be submitted to your system via this API from xeebo. Communication with applicants is also possible.

  • Buttons

    This page describes the different buttons offered by xeebo. You can implement this buttons into your own website.

  • Schemas

    This page describes the data schemas used in the REST and Integration API. All POST requests and response data are defined as json schemas. You an simply use this schema for validate your data.

  • Resources

    This page describes the resources used in our Rest and Integration API. All static data like salutations, job publication categories etc. are available for download. The values used in our data schemas are available within translations.
